Life is an Echo, what you put out there really does come back to you!!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The New Jacuzzi was delivered yesterday and it takes up alot more space than the old one, no biggy, I just can't wait to start using it!!  Next will be the sauna and then we will have our own spa area at home. mmmm loving life!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Well the P90x had to be put on hold for the week, because of the volcano that erupted in Iceland. We had three people visiting from France and they could not get back home, as a matter of fact they are still here at least until Wednesday. I don't mind really, but we also had my cousin and his wife come to visit as well. I had expected just my family, but with so many people to entertain and with them sleeping where I work out, that had to put it on hold, They will leave Wednesday, hubby leaves Thursday for Golf Tourney and I leave Friday for Hershey. WTH

So I am hoping to start back up Wednesday or Thursday depending on if the flights make it. This sucks to be honest. Very hard to make time to do it with so many people around and I don't want to not be in the middle of the fun!!!

I don't feel bad not like I thought I would, I still have not smoked so that is great and we spent a great weekend in DC, i love it there. Tonight we are going to the Texas De' Brazil, and I love love love it there. Oh well life goes on and we still are very happy.

Will let you know how the exercising goes once I start back up!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Busy busy busy

This is a before pic so you get the color of the kitchen
We redid the kitchen and had a new wood floor installed on the whole first floor.  I love the way it all came out...

Here is the kitchen after, painted with French Vanilla and rubbed in a dark oak oil.

I love the contrast in dark and light. Looks so bright and clean!!
We also installed light covers for the recessed lights and turned two of the recessed lights into pendant lights over the bar area.

Notice the wonderful gunstock flooring. I adore it, so shiny!!

Looking from the livingroom into the kitchen

The new floor in the front hall

The box' I wallpapered  in foux leather

It looks great no more carpet!!

The Gazebo

Love it at night
My little garden
 Getting ready  to open the pool

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sweetie Pies

Okay this is the cutest idea that ever happened. They are mini pies (filled with fruit or chicken pot pie filling) that you pre-make and serve up when you want. So dang cute I can’t wait to make them.

First you have to have some fat necked (not skinny) ½ pint jars.

1. Make a pie dough.

2. Push the dough into the sides of the jar.

3. Fill with fruit or chicken pot pie filling. About ½ C. for each jar.

4. Using dough leftovers roll out and cut a topper using the jar lid.

Apple Pies: sprinkle with a brown sugar crumb topping.

Cherry Pies: Make a lattice

5. Cut slits with a knife (or use a cute mini cookie cutter) for venting.

6. Put the dough top over the pie and push against the sides of the jar to seal.

7. Add a small pad of butter on top of the crust.

8. Put the lids on tight and freeze them.

9. When ready set your oven at 375. Pull a few from the freezer and toss them into the oven for about 45 minutes. (Let them warm up with the oven so you don’t have any cold glass in oven issues).

10. When they are bubbly and warm throughout you serve and eat them in the JARS, is that adorable? I cant stand it, so cute.

If making chicken pot pies, and you can stand to do it, skip the crust on the insides of the jar and just add a top crust. It will save on the calories.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 6 P90X

Today was Kenpo, Boxing/stretching.  I managed to work up a sweat, and my daughter did too, problem was she really lost her ambition during this routine and I had to keep pausing for her to do it correctly.  If she does it the way she was doing it then nothing would have been accomplished.  I hate to be a nag but quality over quantity. Once you learn it the quantity will follow and the work out will be better.

So over all I liked it, as much as I like the Plyometrics...??  Maybe not as much but way better than the YOGA!!!  Tomorrow is day off/stretching if you want to.  Of course we will be doing the hour of stretching. That will round out week one.

The root of desire

Most of the things you think you desire are only shallow substitutes for what you truly would like to have. Learn to look past each immediate, superficial wish to uncover the real, profound and fulfilling desire beyond it.
There's no sense spending your time, effort and resources in pursuit of things that are not even what you genuinely desire. Look instead at the root of each desire and put your energy into what you truly wish to bring about in your life.

The things you crave may satisfy you momentarily, yet they cannot fulfill your deepest desires. By giving in to your cravings, you're actually pushing yourself further and further away from what you truly wish to have.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Exciting news

Our Jacuzzi should be replaced soon, I really am looking forward to long HOT soaks. I miss having the old one (burned out and froze during the winter storms) On a brighter note we will also be getting a sauna in the basement. It will seat four has a radio in it and is supposed to be very good for you. Detoxing your system, great for the skin etc. I know it will make me feel great Used to go to the sauna all the time, having one at home will be wonderful. Our bottom floor is turning into a spa. Once the pool is opened in a week, I will be able to go swimming in the morning for some exercise as well. I love it when you can do something that is fun and is good for you. This summer is going to be so fun!!!!

Day 5 P90X

Two days from finishing the first week.

My Hubby is traveling for work again, so I came home at 5 (arrived at 5) and got my daughter motivated right away. Went to the basement and started ARMS & LEGS and AB RIPPER X. Arms was all pull ups in varying stages or hands in differing positions. We both still can not do any pull ups, so we have a gold gym and we simulate the pull ups that way. It is still a strain and still gets a burn out of the muscles and that's what I want from us. To feel the burn to know that it is working and eventually will get us where we want to be. My daughter was a trooper and did her very best to keep up, she did great in the band exercises (pull=ups) the legs were harder than you would think my upper leg (top) and my calves were on fire by the time we were done.

Day 3 and 4 P90X

Ok day three was back and arms with the ab ripper, My Daughter and I were doing the back and arms her with 2lb weights I with 5 lbs. I don’t want to bulk up I want lean muscles with definition. Tony says that for lean you should do 12 to 15 reps and for bulk higher weights with fewer reps. We made it through the hour long DVD, and I find these really enjoyable, I look forward to these as I can do all the exercises and feel good about myself. My upper arms on the inside and the middle of my back feel the pain today but a good pain not a debilitating kind of pain. The Ab RipperX on the other hand is sooo frustrating. I try as hard as I can and can not do all of the routines. I keep telling my daughter at least if we try and really make an effort things will happen and eventually we will be able to do all of these just like the people in the DVD. (I wonder myself if that will be possible as it seems so hard to do right now) But I am really looking to make a difference not only in myself but in my daughter. Oh and if your wondering,

The ideal time

If you wait for the ideal situation, it will never come. If you create the ideal situation, it will always be, whenever you choose for it to be.

There are plenty of excuses you can make for why this is not the time to act. And while you're busy making those excuses, someone else is busy taking those same actions that you are merely considering.
The time is right when you make it right. Waiting and hoping for things to get better will just allow things to get worse.
If it's important to you, figure out a way to get started on it now. Because the more you delay, the more you're telling yourself that it's really not that important.

Me n Other Half

Me n Other Half
Camera phone

and three makes a heart

and three makes a heart

Yes it is goofy

Yes it is goofy
I know famous people!!

Hubby and I

Hubby and I
In Florida

My Oldest Daughter and I

My Oldest Daughter and I
In France

Birthday (Adina)

Birthday (Adina)
Mare, Me Tree and Tony and Adina Crammed

Hershey Reunion

Hershey Reunion
Shannon, Nellie, Mary, Teresa, George and Bryan in the background

Trivia Nite Harrisburgh

Trivia Nite Harrisburgh
Me, Teresa, Tony and Mary


Scott, Me, Teresa and Frank

Senior Alumni Dinner

Senior Alumni Dinner
Frank, Ingrid, Scott, Mary, Shannon, Me, Nellie

Good Timz in Hershey

Good Timz in Hershey
Mary and I